January 2012

January 2012

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  • Year :

Movie-going population barometer February 20 2012

In January 2012, the movie-going audience was mostly made up of women (50.5% compared to 52.0% in

December 2011 and 55.4% in and January 2011).
The proportion of individuals under 15 in the movie-going audience still decreased (7.2% in January 2012
compared to 11.3% in December 2011 and 16.4% in November 2011) whereas the share of the 15-24 age group
increased (27.3% compared to 24.7% in December and 22.4% in November).
The share of “non-working individuals” slightly decreased: 47.3% in January compared to 50.1% in December. This
decrease is due to the share of schoolchildren and students in the movie-going audience. It decreased by 5.1
percentage points between December and November, whereas there was an increase in the percentage of
seniors. It increased by 2.1 percentage points.
The share of individuals belonging to the « Home with children » group was weaker in January 2012 than in
December 2011: 17.3% in January 2012 compared to 21.6% in December 2011.
In January 2012, the proportion of occasional cinemagoers was relatively high during the first week (about 35%).
But it decreased during the following weeks (over 20%). Globally, occasional cinemagoers accounted for 23.6% of
moviegoers in January (compared to 36.1% in December) and frequent cinemagoers made up 23.5% (16.9% in