Come and meet the CNC
Come and meet the CNC at the Berlinale and the European Film Market (EFM), taking place from February 13-19, at the Gropius Bau, stand n°36, in partnership with the Institut Français in Germany.
Gropius Bau Stand #36 - European Film Market
CNC Program
Explore coproductions opportunities and how to benefit from the Tax Rebate for International Productions.
EFM Conference Lounge @ Gropius Pavilion
Niederkirchnerstrasse 7, Berlin
> View maps
Accessible sans badge marché
2.30pm – 3.30pm: Presentation on how to coproduce with France
Learn everything you need to know about why and how to coproduce with France and how to improve your chances to access Cinémas du Monde (minority coproduction fund run by CNC and Institut Français, open to films from all countries).
3.30pm – 4.30pm: Presentation on how to shoot in France with the Tax Rebate for International Productions (TRIP)
Learn everything you need to know about the French Tax Rebate for International Productions and hear from the producers behind Delicious and Chopin, Chopin !, two recent movies shot in France that benefitted from the TRIP.
Plan your production with Film France-CNC

2 years of European solidarity with Ukraine

Overview of the last two years of the European Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian Films, managed by the CNC, with the contributions of 20 European national film centres. Sole documentary entry in the official competition of this edition, and first Ukrainian film to be selected in this category since 1997, Timestamp by Kateryna Gornostai, was notably supported by the fund.
Contact CNC
Michel Plazanet
Deputy director of European and international affairs
February 13 -18
Contact Film France-CNC
Daphné Lora
Head of Film France-CNC Department
February 14 -18
The productions supported by the CNC in selection at the 2025 Berlinale
35 French productions (or French coproductions) are present in the various selections of the 2025 Berlinale, including 19 projects which benefited from a selective grant from the CNC, including 4 productions supported by the "Aide aux cinémas du monde (ACM)", 2 supported by the Franco-German Fund, and 2 supported by the European Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian Films.
Switzerland / Luxembourg / France
Aide au développement d'oeuvres cinématographiques de longue durée
Belgium / Luxembourg / Italy / France
Aide au développement d'oeuvres cinématographiques de longue durée
France / Germany
Aide au développement d'oeuvres cinématographiques de longue durée
Avance sur recettes avant réalisation
Aide à la coproduction franco-allemande
Ukraine / Luxembourg / Netherlands / France
Fonds européen de solidarité pour les films ukrainiens (ESFUF)
India / France / USA / Spain
Aide aux cinémas du monde après réalisation
Paraguay / Argentina / USA / France / Germany
Aide aux cinémas du monde après réalisation
Turkey / France / Luxembourg
Aide aux cinémas du monde après réalisation
Aide au parcours d'auteur
Greece / France / Belgium / Germany
Aide aux cinémas du monde après réalisation
Aide sélective à la distribution
Senegal / France / Morocco
Aide avant réalisation
Rwanda / Germany / Cameroon
Fonds jeune création francophone (aide à la post-production)
Forum expanded
Fonds d’aide à l’innovation en documentaire de création (développement)
Ukraine / Lithuania
Fonds européen de solidarité pour les films ukrainiens (ESFUF)
Berlinale Special
Germany / Poland / France
Aide sélective à la distribution